The Cask Of Amontillado Essay

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Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, and Michael Myers. Demonic Possession, Ghost, and Aliens. All of these people and things are associated with one thing nowadays. The horror genre. It was always like that though. Horror wasn’t based off of slashing someone to pieces, or turning a corner and something pops out making you jump. What about the genre of horror in writing? Who would be considered the forerunner in horror writing? Today a lot of people would probably name Stephen King for that, and would probably place the book “It” at the top of the list for best horror writings of all time, while a few would give mention to Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe was an American author in the early 1800’s. While he has written so many poems and short stories, arguably his most famous one to date is “The Raven.” Even The Simpsons have made a spin-off episode of it for their Treehouse of Horror Series. …show more content…

The focus on the story is about Montresor who seeks revenge, in this case murder, against the man named Fortunato who, as Montresor has claimed, made insults about him and he is tired of it. Montresor decides to come up with a plan to kill Fortunato once and for all. So Montresor, after Fortunato has become drunk, tells Fortunato he has discovered a rare brand of Amontillado. Montresor than brings Fortunato down into the catacombs, which is where Montresor claims it is, and eventually chains Fortunato to a wall all the while mocking him and leaving him to die. The story concludes with Montresor almost bragging that he got away with it fifty years later. “The Cask of Amontillado” was published in 1846 by Godey's Lady's Book the most famous periodical at Poe’s

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