The Case Of Swan Land And Cattle V. Swift

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letter to William Swift in Chicago in regards to John Stewart’s ranch 71, just a few short months later his firm would sue Stewart. It is very likely that John Clay, made indication to Swift that A. H. Swan was not accurately counting his cattle as well and that another law suit was in the future for their company again. James Wilson, owner of the Swan Land and Cattle, who later accused Swan of cheating him out of nearly 30,000 cattle in the deal, from the premise had already hired a man named Thomas Lawson to come to Cheyenne to report Swan and his associates. On June 11, 1882, the Cheyenne Daily Leader disclosed those lodging at the Inter-Ocean hotel in downtown Cheyenne. Among the guest, that day was Thomas Lawson of Scotland. …show more content…

W. Swan, 1887, with a lawsuit from the Swan Land & Cattle Company of Edinburg, Scotland through Swift and Campbell acting as their attorney. The company was suing Swan and his associates for $800,000. This lawsuit stemmed from the agreement Swan signed back in 1883, stating; “vendors agree to make good any deficiencies which such report shall declare to exist”. The Cheyenne Daily Sun, reported accusations were presented by the Swan Land and Cattle Company which stated Swan had indicated in this herd book that 81,675 cattle were shipped but there were not quite 60,000 delivered, and then 22,826 calves where supposed to be delivered when only 16,000 were in the final shipment. Wilson the owner believed $800,000 would cover his losses for the cattle and the calves combined. Between the losses suffered by A. W. Swan during the Blizzard of 1887 and then the lawsuit, he was now in a downward spiral that we know he never recovered. His other endeavors may have assisted him in digging out of this vast financial hole he found himself in. Sadly, Swan was so indebted he was unable to pull together the resources to settle his outstanding obligations. The situation for Swan had become so bad that the First National Bank where he was Vice President sued him. A. H. Swan and his other associates were being sued for not paying back a loan of $25,000 they loaned from the bank …show more content…

T. A. Larson, a historian and authority on Wyoming history ranked this event as “the most notorious event in the history of Wyoming”. Prominent men of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, their employees and hired guns from Texas, Idaho and other parts of the United States, made of this troop of men. The group of invaders disembarked the train in Casper and continued by horseback to Buffalo, Wyoming. This historic event focuses on Johnson County and the city of Buffalo. However, Cheyenne the capital city of Wyoming played a major role in the “range war” where the Johnson County War originated and concluded when the invaders were arrested and brought back for trial. Many of those who left with the mob were residences of Cheyenne; others who prevented the soldiers from pursuing them were also residence of Cheyenne. Even those who brought them and detained them and those who told the story of the Johnson County War called Cheyenne home. There were three key groups within Cheyenne heavily involved with the Johnson County War. These groups not only participated in this event, but also were accessories to the

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