The Cartesian Theory Of Embryonic Development

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By the beginning of the 18th century, the theory of preformation was widely accepted and had become the dominant model of embryonic development. The research indicated, “This time period saw the beginning of the concept of emboîtement, meaning encasement: the idea that each offspring is contained pre-formed within the gonads of its parents” (Lawrence 2013). Nicolas Malebranche contributed to this theory and the model by creating a fully reasoned explanation of it based on the Cartesian principles of mechanism. Therefore, he was the first to declare that every life that would exist on earth was created at the moment of creation and that future members of each species were present in the ovary of the female. For example, this idea is often compared to the metaphor of the Russian nesting dolls with an infinite number of smaller dolls inside. During this period of time the ovist model of preformation, it was assumed that the seminal fluid from the male parent was only required to begin the process of growth in the preformed embryo. However, this theory was challenged by scientists that w...

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