Taxation, Rebellion, and the Intolerable Acts

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During the late 1700’s almost up to the 1800’s, the U.S was going through a phase where colonists were dealing with taxation without representation by Parliament. This angered many colonists during this time. This caused many colonists to rebel against the British. One night in Massachusetts, rebellious colonists started to dump tea into the harbor in order to protest against taxation without representation. This event was called the Boston Tea Party. Parliament found out about the Boston Tea Party. As a response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts formed right after the Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts were a group of acts that had one main purpose.“The Intolerable Acts were four punitive …show more content…

These four acts joined together and formed the Intolerable Acts. The first act was the Boston Port Act. The purpose of the Boston Port Act was to close the ports. “The Boston Port Act closed the harbor until the colonists paid for the tea” (Hicks, Graves, Kerwin, Stewart 81). The ports remain closed as a way of punishment. Paying for the tea was the whole punishment. The first act should have been the end of the punishment but, it wasn’t. Later on, the Massachusetts Government Act and the Administration of Justice Act started. “The intention of the Massachusetts Government Act was to suspend effectively the right of self-government in the Massachusetts colony and revoke the colony's 1691 charter,” also “The purpose of the Administration of Justice Act of the Intolerable Acts allowed the Governor to send rebellious colonists for trial in other colonies or in Great Britain.” These two acts took away power from the colonists in their own colony and in the government. Parliament was trying to take over, and this led up to more tension. () The final act was the Quartering Act of 1774. The Quartering Act of 1774 was a revised version of the previous quartering act. “A revised quartering act allowed British soldiers to be housed privately owned buildings. The revised law didn’t require soldiers to be housed in private homes.” (Hicks, Graves, Kerwin, Stewart 81) This act allowed British soldiers to live in the colonists home without

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