The Best Times Of Senior Year

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The best times of senior year include parties, prom, and getting out of this hell hole (aka high school) to college. It 's senior year, go out have some fun, hit the blunt and drink up like a fish. Go to prom it 's a guaranteed good time. Take a loan out of the bank and get yourself an education in an undecided major for college soon. You got this. High school is the best time of your life and senior year is just 8/10ths of the slice of cake. Syche it 's all bullshit, the whole thing. These lies that many teens believe are fed with a teaspoon through media, peers, and even some teachers. If you believe these lies and don’t want to change, then stop reading here, but for those of you that want to change continue reading and don’t forget to review me on yelp. Prom is one of those overrated things that many people feel they have to do, but it 's all good. Save your money and just kick it at home. It is unnecessary to do the whole shibang of parties and asking a girl to prom. The idea of asking a girl to prom is essentially like a marriage proposal. It is just an unneeded cycle of dra...

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