The Benefits and Dangers of Cell Phones

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Cell Phone One of the greatest inventions created in the modern world is the cell phone or is it not? The cell phone has been rapidly growing for many years. A cell phone is necessary and important. Using a cell phone to communicate with family, business and in emergency is an excellent way of communicating, but on the other hand, cell phone is a distraction. With the invention of the cell phone there have been both good and bad results, where people will always be a source of communication during emergency, while a cell phone usage has become the main source of car accident. According to a 2008 study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 6000 are killed in cell phone related to accidents while driving. Cell phones have become a reason why millions of people disagreed with cell phone being banned while driving. But some people always need a source to communicate during emergency. The most basic benefit of using cell phone for most of us is the convenience. Cell phones keep us keeping in touch with our love in any part of the world at any time. Cell phones allow you to conveniently make calls when you want and wherever you are (Moseley). For example, if a person goes into an area where there is not strong signal people can still leave a message or text to that person (Moseley). Cell phones allow people to look up for a restaurant without a phonebook people can still call the operator. If there is an accident the person can call for people for help. If there ever an issue of safety, since a cell phone small and light weight the person might able to text or call for help without being notice. Cell phones make it more convenience for a person safety because cell phone allows us to communicate with other. Cell p... ... middle of paper ... ...e. For example, if you are playing your game on your cell phone, you will not want other people to disturb you. There are many good and bad things about the cell phone. Cell phones are a convenience way to communicate with other people. It helps us to easily get in touch with our friends and family no matter where they are. And with so many useful features contained in the cell phones, life is getting easier. On the other hand, being addicted to cell phone will cause health problems to their users. Moreover, cell phones accidentally make people fall far away from each other day by day. They focus on their games, on the people they are talking to, but forget the people that are sitting in front of them. Cell phone is also the reason for the increasing of accidents is recent years. We should take advantage on the useful of cell phone, but do not forget our real world.

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