The Benefits Of Tuition-Free Community College

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Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. President Obama made a proposal during his State of the union address to promise two years of tuition free community college. While this may sound too good to be true Obama has added a few conditions such as, students will have to attend school half or full time, make some type of progress towards degree plan, and also have at least 2.5 grade point average. Although, president Obama’s proposal is a great way to give a student a better future, some naysayers believe students have enough help from the government with financial aid and will also drain our economy. Despite, Americans views towards the president’s proposal, congress should support his idea because it can help better the life’s of students qualify for a well-paying and stable career and also help students who struggle paying college tuition. Students who receive a college degree will obtain a stable and well-paying career. For example, while some House members expect students who get tuition free school “might not be as motivated as students paying a part of college cost” (Bruce). On the other hand, Delgado student leader Robichaux, disagrees with the House members comment, Robichuax …show more content…

For example, a study by Gallup- Lumain Foundation in 2014 asked Americans if they thought community college was affordable, the result was that “79 percent believed that college wasn’t affordable for everyone” (Sara). However, many believe community college is affordable like Andrew P. Kelly who said “many students attend community college free” (Andrew). Though this statement is true only students who qualify for financial aid get government support while middle class students who don’t qualify pay out of pocket. Therefore, many community college students from different backgrounds continue to struggle with tuition with or without government

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