The Benefits Of Legalizing Assisted Suicide

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Imagine living in a world where doctors killing their patients legally existed. A world where if one were to ask for a lethal dose of some drug, their doctor could give it to them with a simple prescription paper. Imagine taking those drugs one day, deciding that life was too much and there was too much pain and sorrow, and seeing everything slowly fade away. This is a reality that the world might come to face in the future. Assisted suicide is the act of a doctor giving a patient a lethal dose of some drug that allows them to kill themself. As of now, five states in the US have this legalized, but more so for terminally ill patients who have six months or less to live. Some say that this is a humane way to die and it gives terminally ill students …show more content…

But, when used correctly and for sensible reasons, patient’s suffering will be less prolonged and the pain will end when they choose to die.However, assisted suicide can and will be abused if it is legalized. To start out, in some cases, if assisted suicide is legalized, people who simply are depressed and do not want to keep going in life can choose to kill themselves through assisted suicide. In the article, “Going Dutch on Death: The Dangers of Euthanasia-on-Demand” by three professors at different universities, it speaks of the assisted suicide developments there have been in the Netherlands. The article says that the Netherlands have approved a proposal saying that if you feel you have had a “completed life” you may choose to end your life. And if the Netherlands take the next step, one may ask to end their life, for any reason at all, and that could become a daily reality in the Netherlands, and possibly the US at some point. Although some may see this as a wonderful opportunity to “die with dignity,” it really is an excuse to commit suicide, especially for those who are depressed and think the only way to fix that is to die. That is not saying it is bad to be depressed, it is just saying that using assisted suicide as an excuse to escape life’s problems is abusing that right. Next, the elderly and disabled, not the terminally ill, might see this as an opportunity as a “duty to die,” and

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