The Bell Curve Research Paper

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The topic I chose to research and write about is the effect ones Socio-Economic statue has on their academic success. What makes this topic so particularly interesting and relevant is that there is a wide area where people fall on the social economic status spectrum and those on the lower end seem to perform not as well academic wise to their higher counterparts. In fact, a study conducted in the mid-1990's called" The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life '' by Richard J. Herrnstein, and Charles Murray concluded that there is a strong correlation been a higher social and economic status resulting in higher academic achievement status with the inverse being true as well. The reason why more concern should be addressed to this issue is that with such a large gap economic and social wise many potential great minds may never be …show more content…

People from lower class tend to have underperforming schools since more money is being poured into socially higher school since that not only where more money lies but where influence is to when you consider this it makes sense since schools that are underfunded cant provide the necessary tools for its student which leads to low test scores but schools that are properly funded are typically more success since they have more resources. Also according to research done by Oscar Barbarian and Nikia Aikens young children are affected by "The school systems in low-SES communities are often under-resourced, negatively affecting students’ academic progress and outcomes...Inadequate education and increased dropout rates affect children’s academic achievement, perpetuating the low-SES status of the community. Improving school systems and early intervention programs may help to reduce some of these risk

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