The Beliefs of Christians About Their Responsibility for the Beginning and End of Their Life

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The Beliefs of Christians About Their Responsibility for the Beginning and End of Their Life

You created every part of me; you put me together in my mothers womb

A main part of the Christian faith believes that God is the giver and

taker of life. He forms us in the womb and takes our life when he

believes the time is right. Some christians believe that Jesus takes

our life when we know were at the best and we won't get any better


God teaches us about the sanctity of life. As christians we should

hold responsibility for the beginning and end of our lives. When one

faces a problem/decision regarding life and death they often refer to

the belief of the sanctity of life.

This is the belief that every life is sacred and is protected by

divine authority. Therefore God being the author and publsiher of life

only he has the authority to decide when it ends.

A human is very limited on the authority and power of taking life. So

issues and choices regarding euthanasia and abortion should not lie in

the human hands. God's love for a human is so great he gave his only

song to die for them

'For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that

everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life'

Therefore to take somebodys life is opposing god's love for that

person. God has a duty and purpose planned for that person and no one

is good enough or has any right in the matter to stop god's plans from


'I chose you before i gave you life, and before you were born i

selected you to be a prophet to the nations'

We are created in god's image and likeness and therefore our bodies

are a temple of god. We must respect it like we respect a church and

christians have a major responsibility to insure that the body is kept

respectable and healthy for the holy spirit to dwell inside.

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