The Basics Of Physical Training In The FBI

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation received its current name in 1935. To be in the FBI you must be: between 23 and 36 years old; in great physical shape; U.S. citizen; have a college degree; and at least three years professionally working. (Hamilton 4). One in twenty people that register for the FBI are accepted for the twenty weeks of training. (FBI Special 7). The FBI training academy is in Quantico, Virginia. The training that the Federal agents receive prepares them for real life situations. The basics that the new agents train for are; firearms, operational skills, physical training and becoming a real agent. In the physical training category you are tested in: the number of sit-ups in a minute; a timed three hundred meter sprint; the number of pushups without stopping (untimed); a timed one and a half mile run. To be in the FBI you have to be willing to push your body to its physical limits. The firearms that the new agents are scored on are the, bureau-issued pistol, an assault rifle called the carbine, and a shotgun. The training for firearms is over; gun safety,...

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