The Banning Of Sugary Drinks In The United States

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In the past, sugary drinks were being developed and were accepted as a part of the human diet. Today, however, sugary drinks are being scrutinized about contributing to the rise of obesity in humans. A ban of the amount of how much of a sugary drink shall be sold is illogical because it is over stepping the government’s power and obesity is caused by other factors then just eating and drinking.
To begin with, if the ban of the sale of large sugary drinks were to be upheld, it would be getting away from the purpose of America being the land of the free. The ban would restrict the right of how much of a certain drink can be bought. The ban does not make sense because it would be going against the idea behind and morale of having a democratic government. It would be an unfair ruling to ban the sale of these drinks, especially when the ban called for certain drinks and certain locations. …show more content…

Many factors contribute to the rise of obesity within the population. These factors include genetics, medical problems, age, social/economic issues, and lack of physical activity. It states in the article, “Even if you have one or more of these risk factors, it doesn't mean that you're destined to become obese. You can counteract most risk factors through diet, physical activity and exercise, and behavior changes” (Mayo). The important part is that there are multiple factors that can cause obesity, but all of these can be avoided with a good diet, physical activity, and possible behavior changes. This is key because the article completely says that if you do those three, obesity can be avoided. So, will more exercise and some behavior changes, obesity can be fixed in the

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