Arsenic Essay

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Arsenic, a heavy metal with an unknown biological function, is widely acknowledged for its biological toxicity in human health. The occurrence of Arsenic in the immediate environment comes both as a result of natural (e.g. naturally contaminated groundwater) and artificial (e.g. percolation of water from mines) causes. Arsenic is a highly occurring contaminant in groundwater in many areas of the world. These include countries such as Cambodia, Argentina, Chile, Hungary, Mexico, Bangladesh and the USA etc., with the most widespread and most notorious groundwater pollution prevalent in Bangladesh.
The Bangladeshi arsenic contamination is described as “the biggest poisoning of a population in history, with millions of citizens exposed” (Smith …show more content…

These are considered first through geochemical triggers which release As from the aquifer solid phase into groundwater, followed by the stagnation of the released form in the groundwater. That is, the released metalloid is not flushed away but rather contained within the water system. Numerous possible geochemical triggers can be attributed to these key factors. These include: major changes to the pH, Eh, and the quality of water parameters, as well as changes to dissolved HCO3-. In affected aquifers, the main trigger is as a result of dissolution of As from oxide minerals, especially in iron oxides. Arsenic mobilisation cycle in Bangladesh can therefore be likened to the specific aquifer environment, the condition of the groundwater and the season of the month (wet and …show more content…

Arsenicosis is described as a chronic illness resulting from drinking water with significant levels of Arsenic, over an extended period of time. It is commonly referred to as As poisoning, and is thought to be the only known human carcinogen where there is evidence of toxicity through ingestion and inhalation. As many ionic (ionic states) forms of Arsenic exists, many different biochemical effects can be attributed to the heavy metal.

Dermal lesions and skin cancers
Dermal lesions are the most dominant effect of Arsenic contamination. The skin is known to possess an extensive amount of keratin that contains sulfhydryl groups to which As3+ binds. Studies show that arsenic-affected patients in West Bengal have severe skin distortions Genera.lly, citizens who were exposed to the high levels of the heavy metal from drinking water and/or food consumption for an extensive period of time fell victim to cancer.
Additionally, epidemiological evidences which have related the association of Arsenic with cancers of the skin also linked it with internal organ defects such as vascular diseases which in return contribute significantly to all sorts of tissue

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