The Awakening And Edna's Marriage

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The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin in 1899, tells the story of Edna Pontellier. Throughout the story, Edna questions her marriage and the quality of her marriage. Edna's husband, Leonce, is a successful business man, but this also has consequences, which affect the marriage with negative outcomes. First of all, Edna married when she was young, but Leonce didn’t become a successful husband, or at minimum, didn’t meet Edna’s expectations. Second of all, the marriage is odd and unstable because of Leonce’s lack of interest in Edna, and Edna’s lack of interest in Leonce, as well as the marriage as a whole. To conclude, Edna committed to marriage too early, Leonce and Edna have an unstable marriage, and Edna is not pleased with Leonce as a husband.

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