The Astor's-Personal Narrative

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It was difficult for the Heiress to stop smiling as his words replayed in her head. "I still plan to propose properly, and you'll have no idea when or how and won't see it coming.". The thought that he was planning a proposal that would surprise her was exciting, though a very small part of her wanted to demand that he let her know when this would be taking place to ensure that she looked her best for the occasion. However, Lexi knew that anything he planned would be preferable to the insufferable gala that her father would undoubtedly have planned to show off his newest business deal of selling her to the Astor’s.

“Baby you know I will love anything you pick out and any proposal you plan, but remember that I prefer white gold.” She winked as he departed the taxi and waited until the deal had been done before exiting herself and walking into the lobby of their accommodations. The building was beautiful and opulent, and despite their dark purpose in Hawaii the socialite was elated to spend some time with Richard in such gorgeous surroundings. “I remember it wasn’t so long ago that I forgot how much I enjoyed your company…thanks for reminding me.” Her tone was light-hearted, but her words were weighty when she thought back to their meeting at her father’s party and how their romance had been rekindled. …show more content…

It was nice to be able to relax and enjoy each other’s company, and she couldn’t help but laugh as he boasted of his cooking skills. “Mmm, well we’ll just have to put that claim to the test won’t we?” Although some lunch sounded fabulous she was anxious to touch his body and feel him inside of her, and to erase all of the bad memories that Karl

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