The Arrest Of Jesus

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Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus is the son of God who came down on earth from heaven to save his people lives and their sins. Jesus people includes every race, culture, from Jewish, Roman, etc. Jesus was conceived in Bethlehem by his mother Mary. Mary was a fourteen year old virgin chosen by God to carry Jesus until his birth. Joseph is Jesus birth father chosen by God. At the time of Jesus birth by Jesus precious smile there was clear clarification to Joseph and Mary that their baby son was the savior, blessing, and the truth through sin. Once Jesus started his mission to die on the cross for his people like the Romans, Jewish patriots, and even his followers he stayed true of his word to the Father above, God that he wouldn't back out and it was God will be done. Jesus knew that taking this crucifixion would give the Romans, Jewish patriots, and even his followers opinions and question that was going to be pressed against him. Jesus was going to treated by the way his people viewed him.
The last night of Jesus arrest, also was the last supper known as the “Passover” with his disciples. Jesus then led his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane where he would occasionally at night to pray,laugh, and joke with his disciples. However, this night was serious for himself and his people. Jesus asked for his disciples to pray for themselves as he prayed to God. Without Jesus permission, Judah reveled the location of Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver. Six-hundred to one thousand soldiers went to the Garden of Gethsemane looking for Jesus and they found him. Even when Jesus healed a servant decapitated ear, the Romans still did not believe the truth of Jesus. The roman was confused, ignorant and I denial ...

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... arms and a pure heart. Jesus prayed for their sins that there committing right in front of him and he pray for God to forgive them for their actions and lack of ignorance. Even though the Romans hanged Jesus on the cross they did not leave the scene clueless or doubtful. Once Jesus left earth to be with his father above, God, the earth shook and storm took over. The people was now are of that they have killed the body of Jesus, but sis not kill his spirit. Last but not lease the Jewish patriots came to there scenes gained the knowledge of Jesus Christ and wanted too help other understand the truth in him. Jesus never left the earth. His spirit is with us throughout our troubles and even through our good days. Jesus came to earth I flesh to fulfill a mission and he did just that. Now our sins can be washed away through the name of Jesus and the change of our actions.

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