The Argument of Family Being Beneficial to Society

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Families are crucially important to society without doubt. Most

British people are born into families and then raised by a family.

Most of these very same people grow up to form families of their own

and take the responsibility of being a parent. Many people see the

family as the normal way of life and watch television programs which

revolve around family life. For many the nuclear family has always

been viewed as the proper way to bring up children and to live life.

However, the subject of families is much deeper than many think. But

is the family beneficial to society?

Different groups have different views on how beneficial the family is

to society. Functionalists, who traditionally dominated the sociology

of the family, feel that the family is necessary for the running and

continuation of an integrated society. It is assumed by functionalists

that if there is the existence of a social institution, then it must

have a purpose or a function. Functionalists therefore see the family

as beneficial for society.

To functionalists, society is an 'organism' that contains different

segments which come together to keep society running smoothly. They

argue that the family interrelates to other social institutions. An

example of this would be the family's preparation of children to

become supportive of themselves and take on economic roles. This shows

that there is a link between the family and the economic system.

Functionalists argue that the family has four specific functions that

benefit society. These are sexual, reproductive, economic and

educational. Each one is important to society in the eyes of



... middle of paper ... who are at a disadvantage behind males. Then

there are the more extreme views from feminists who strongly believe

that women are oppressed in society and the only people who benefit

are men.

Critical theories argue that the family has harming effects on

individual development. The family lifestyle is seen as damaging to a

child's up bringing and can cause problems for the child in later

life. These theories explain how individuals find it hard to develop

themselves as a person in the family because other family members

influence them and family relationships can lead to unnecessary

emotions coming out.

Certain sociologists agree on the subject of the family being

beneficial to society, others do not, and the contrasting views lead

to fascinating arguments over the true meaning of family life in


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