The Arab- Israeli Conflict

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The Arab- Israeli Conflict

AO1: "What are the main differences between the beliefs and attitudes

of the Jews/Israelis and the Arabs/ Palestinians towards the land now

called Israel with the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?

The Arab- Israeli conflict is one of the most interesting conflicts

that have strained relations between the Muslims and the Jews which

involves a small but significant piece of land known as Palestine

(Israel today). This conflict is not rooted in modern times though, as

this section of my coursework will explain.

Both groups have extremely strong views on this topic, both

historically and religiously important, which has lead to this

stalemate between them.

Some Historians have said that the Jewish claim to Palestine (the old

name for the combined Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza strip) is

stronger historically than the Arabs. We need to remember that the

Jews first settled in the area of Palestine in groups of Hebrews

around 4000 years ago and set up their own kingdom and a beautiful

capital city - Jerusalem, but it was cruelly taken away by the Roman

Invaders around 63 AD. Despite the Jews rebelling against their new

overlords around 64AD they were defeated cruelly by 70AD. Their last

stand was made at the ancient fortress built by King Herod - Masada.

It shows that the Jewish believe they would rather kill themselves

than be slaves to a new nation of rulers. All the main Jewish

synagogues were destroyed, including the Temple of Solomon, reduced to

rubble with only one wall (the Wailing Wall) remaining. This act of

destroying all the evidence of Jewish occupation - and dispelling them

to the far end...

... middle of paper ...

...e deal with the Israeli

Prime Minister Rabin. No doubt that there would be anger amongst his

own side for signing a deal which he had decided in 1974 not to sign

any at all.

Overall it is important to realise that there are a range of attitudes

in each side in the conflict, and will never agree which is the best

way to gain all the land from the other sides. They both have

moderates who are willing to co-operate with each other to create

permanent peace between themselves, yet they will risk assassination

attempts by their own side- as in the case of President Nassar of

Egypt in 1981, and Prime Minister Rabin in 1995. But whatever the

attitudes within the group they will all have the same belief - that

they are the ones who should own 100% of the land, as they have

historical and religious claims in the conflict.

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