The Anti-War Movement in the USA in the 1960-1970s

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The Anti-War Movement in the USA in the 1960-1970s

Source Based

Source A is an extract from the book "Four hours in Me Lai", written

by Michael Bilton in 1992. The book is about the events that happened

in My Lai, and it endeavours to explain why the USA lost the war in

Vietnam. It is targeting mainly the adult population, in England, the

USA and other English speaking countries. On one hand it does have

sufficient evidence to explain why there was an anti-war movement as

the content is all true. It states the high death rate and

inexperience of all the USA's soldiers, which were two big reasons for

the anti-war movement. This is also what Martin Luther King spoke of

in his anti-war speeches. The main reason for it not having sufficient

evidence is that it was written well after the war had ended, and

therefore could have no direct influence on the anti-war movements in

the 1960-1970's.

Source B is a well-known photograph, to which the photographer is

unknown. It was taken at some point during the Vietnam war but there

is no specific date. The photograph was taken to show the effects of

the chemical weapon napalm, one of the tactics used by the American

soldiers. It may also have been taken for newspapers and TV

programmes. It's aimed at mainly the American population but also at a

lesser extent to the rest of the world.

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