The Annexation Of The Philippines Summary

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Theodore Roosevelt was a bit of a Kant
Studying the societal climate and political motivations surrounding the annexation of the Philippines by the United States, historians, often use political source documents from the period to gain insight. Theodore Roosevelt in 1901 while giving the stump speech National Duties in Minnesota, twelve days before being elected the 26th president, articulated his views on the topic of the Philippines. Historians Nell Irvin Painter and Kristin L. Hoganson offer their interpretations regarding the rationales that contributed to the annexation of the Philippines. In Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars Hoganson argues that male-centered …show more content…

In fact, Painter, describes this belief to be so strong that “expansion was the inevitable result.” Starting off the passage Painter expresses that this desire for expansion was wholly unfounded stating that the recent issues of “foodstuffs and manufactured goods [were] reputedly overproduced.” However, the depressions of the early 1890s leaves the public lumbering into the next century wary for the future and looking heavily to the current administration for a solution. An American population that has been fed time and again by the expansions of the country. While not yet the full belief of the country, the idea of expansion was pushed fervently by American businessmen hungry for access to foreign markets. Painter goes on to describe, “American businessmen for decades… included the novel expectation that the government of the United States should play an active part in fostering exports.” This desire to look outward for answers to problems was a much easier pill to swallow than to accept the failings of the American …show more content…

Furthermore, the ruling elite convinced themselves that to annex this new colony was the duty of a “maturing” nation that carried with it the “responsibilities” and “obligations” of the responsible nation to usher others to preeminence. Hoganson interprets this ideal through the lens of a gender historian whereby “physically powerful men who would govern unmanly subordinates with a firm hand.” In effect deriding the Filipino populace as incapable of self-governance. Leading the Filipino people via the American-Way subsequently becomes a moral duty, opening the door for expansionism, not as the conquering and subjugation of a foreign people but “as civilizers and authoritative heads of household.” According to Hoganson this permits the American imperialists the justification required for “American men to develop their ability to govern.” Accordingly, this would thrust American society forward as a more mature

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