The Anglo-Norman, Medieval, And The Renaissance Period

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Religion Following the fall of the Roman Empire in the year 476, England proceeded to go through a series of 4 historical periods. Known as the Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, Medieval, and the Renaissance periods, they are long spans of time that are clearly divided by major historical events. The Anglo-Saxon period begins with the fall of the Roman Empire. England is then invaded by people from the northern region of Europe. The Anglo-Norman period begins with the French invasion of England, which lasts until the Hundred Years War in about 1300. The Medieval period follows and lasts until the combination of the invention of the printing press and the onset of the Protestant Reformation. The period that follows the medieval is the Renaissance, but is also known as Early Modern. Of all of these events, the event that has the strongest influence on religion throughout British history is the Protestant Reformation, which occurred between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. This event drastically changed the culture and the view of religion in society. The protestant reformation forever transformed religion in Europe. The Middle Ages consist of the Anglo-Saxon period, Anglo-Norman period, and the Middle English period, …show more content…

An example of technology is the printing press. The printing press was invented and perfected by Johannes Gutenberg (Printing Press Invention Led to Revolution in the Arts). “The Gutenberg printing press revolutionized book production and helped to foster the development of arts, sciences and religion” (Printing Press Invention Led to Revolution in the Arts). The printing press forever changed how books and papers were made. The Bible was the first thing to be mass produced in volume (Printing Press Invention Led to Revolution in the Arts). Since the Bible was produced in large quantities it was now available for the public. This created the time of the printing

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