The Amish Consumer Culture

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In the age of modernity, these core societal values seem to have disregarded with the promise for individual success. Specifically, the American society has faltered as a continual elevation in isolationistic behavior has emerged. As the neoliberal market pushes for economic growth, an artificial consumer culture has been created by technological and economic forces. In turn, Americans lose sight of the things that matter most on their tribulation towards reaching the American dream. In other words, Americans lose the sense of identity because of the compulsive drive to achieve superiority is a viscously competitive market. In addition, Americans are devoting more time at work than any other industrialized country. Women have also become more …show more content…

The Amish are infamous for their simplistic lifestyle, plain dress, and adherence to abstain from modern conveniences. Furthermore, the Amish lifestyle is centered around farming and supplying provisions for one’s family. Correspondingly, the Amish accentuate large families and community as socialization is one of the greatest functions of their existence. With that in mind, the issue of increasing isolation could be reversed if the culture shifts back to a more community-based era. In the Amish community, the ethics revolve around family and the community. For instance, members of the Amish community aid when others are burdened with strenuous periods in their life. Members of the community will pitch in to provide food and companionship when another is sick. Likewise, affiliates will contribute to large medical bills that may be too much for one family to incur. Correspondingly, the Amish also accentuate the need for close family relations. In general, many generations of Amish family live within walking, or a buggy rides distance of one another. Also, many Amish descendants often build additions onto family owned homes in order to facilitate health care for their parents. Granted, the Amish view their family and community as one in the same. With this in mind, the Amish’s peaceful way of living is centered around …show more content…

Practicing Amish are self-sustaining and work to provide for their families. For example, many practice utilize agriculture as a primary source of income as well as nourishment for their families. Indeed, farming is the main occupation of the Amish, and many rely on it to generate income. In Lancaster county specifically, many Amish farms are the main providers food distribution companies. As a matter of fact, many of the farms are main dairy producers of the area. With this intention, modeling an Amish lifestyle would help eradicate the declining workforce participation. Workforce would participation would surely increase as the need to provide would compel one to work in order to be a main provider. Furthermore, males and females in society would both have defined roles in society, which could also aid to promote increased workforce production. Men in an Amish society are responsible for the manual labor and providing rations for the family. Rather, men work on the farmland and yield crops in order to be sold for distribution. The social status of males could be bolstered by asserting them as the primary caretakers. However, women are also respected in the Amish community as they are esteemed for contributions to the home and community. Be that as it may, women in the Amish community has experienced a shift in gender roles in recent years. Amish women are now at

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