The American Political Tradition Hofstadter

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In the novel “The American Political Tradition” by Richard Hofstadter, the historical views of our once so charismatic president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. Chapter 9, Theodore Roosevelt: The Conservative as Progressive, gives us much insight of what Hofstadter was trying to get across. Hofstadter starts of by telling us as the reader that over time in that particular time period views in the 1800’s such as his, were very debatable in a way and why he did the things he did. Theodoor was a well educated man and he knew how to use his characteristics as a person to get his way into politics. Hofstadter depicts enough detail to let the reader know that Roosevelt made his views clear. He also shows us Roosevelt was the man he was by the experiences he had when he was younger. …show more content…

Such as the “Coined deal”. This in particular event pertained to his domestic views/policies. Larger businesses were being placed under formal regulation by the government. By this, it helped thee continuation of the well being of the social environment and of course commerce. Another important historical event that roosevelt managed to accomplish is the act of passing more legislations. The act of this was for Roosevelt to show that he was not becoming a conservative and it also minimized corruption. A result from this is that he made an extravagant changes in domestic policies meanwhile staying to his political party rules. As stated before, Roosevelt’s characteristics helped him be confident in the decisions he made throughout his

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