The American Indian Culture

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Throughout my comparative studies class, American Indians in Film, I have learned a great amount about American Indians and their culture. Since writing my first response paper, I have learned even more information and interesting facts that are displayed through the American Indian culture. In this response paper I will talk about who tells American Indian stories, oral traditions that are most expressed in the American Indian culture and community, issues that are viewed in American Indian literature/film, and film itself. From attending lectures and reading assignments, I learned that there are many ways American Indian stories are told. American Indian stories are told through explorers, colonizers, pioneers, newspapers, magazines, politicians, anthropologists, archeologists, historians, biographies, travelers, fiction writers, and poets. As you can see, American Indian stories are told through many ways. The different ways in which these stories are told through, sometimes give off negative insights of how non-Indian individuals portray them. With all the varieties from wh...

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