The American Dream In James Truslow Adams's The Epic Of America

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In today’s society it is questioned that the American Dream can or cannot be reached. The answer to that question is yes it can be and their is a simple definition for it. The American Dream is a dream where someone can come from nothing, like being poor, to becoming something or somebody with goals and aspirations in life. United States is the land of opportunities as said by many and anyone can achieve success through hard work. This dream gives hope to people born without privilege, and its one of the reasons people come to the United States from throughout the world. The dream today has many reasons to why it is achievable or not. The American Dream is when you don’t come from a family who is born with wealth and gets everything basically …show more content…

Males, women, children, color, religion, and abilities. Adams explains the dream as all people “innately capable” and recognizable “ by others for what they are, regardless of their fortuitous circumstances of birth and position.” This explains that the family doesn’t need a wealthy background or to be famous, but to be recognized for doing something good for …show more content…

The main character Jay Gatsby says his American Dream was getting back to the past with the one he loves dearly Daisy. Especially because of that green light he put on her dock to always remember her. Gatsby’s dream of the American Dream was not achieved because [4] “ He did not know that it was already behind him”(Fitzgerald 180), in the past. Gatsby believed in that green light at Daisy’s dock to be his hope and future; that regardless they will always be together. But Daisy moved on to her new life with making a family leaving the past in the past while Gatsby wanted to take the past into his future. Showing that the past could repeat it self just in a different form. So as the years come by and he grows that orgastic future recedes right before him and starts to drift away. The book says[4]“ we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”(Fitzgerald 180). Another example from the book is the valley of ashes not much happens there but everybody there hoped that one day they could be like the people in West Egg especially George Wilson. His American Dream is wishing for a better life for himself and his wife. So they can escape the harshness of the desolate area of the valley of

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