The American Dream

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The ‘American Dream’, as was once known has ceased to exist in the United States and it could just be something that is not guaranteed anymore. We are merely allowed just the pursuit of happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. We are told that all men are created equal and independent of one another, but are we really? In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness Chris Gardner goes from rags to riches displaying what it means to live the ‘American Dream’ as an African-American male in the United States. The story line ultimately suggested that you need to have a certain amount of money and stand in a certain class to be deemed successful in life as an African-American. The Pursuit of Happyness illustrates through the examples of Chris Gardener that anyone has the chance to achieve happiness if they devote a great amount of effort and time. However, in today’s world our socioeconomic factors define our meaning of happiness. Society realizes that the key to happiness is not actually determined by how much money you have, once you finally obtain wealth, money will just keep raising our bar of happiness. On the surface, this dream appears to the best thing people hope for offering the chance to better themselves, and accomplish success despite of some one’s race, religion, or family history. What Chris Gardner went through is a struggle made by socioeconomic factors which played a huge role in his ideal image of the ‘American Dream’. Money meant success to him and this is where my sociological lens becomes significant to my primary text. As an African American male, Chris Gardner, in The Pursuit of Happyness overcomes the socioeconomic factors he faced by defeating the odds and la... ... middle of paper ... ...fines happiness in America for the lower class African-American males. This American dream depicted in film tells people that money is the key to happiness and when they set out to get money they ultimately start to forget about the things that truly make them happy like their families for instance. Everyone is entitled to happiness, but it’s up to you to actually pursue it. I believe America needs to promote a more diverse America Dream. American Dreams those are obtainable for the average American. Movies like the pursuit of happiness can still be displayed but let’s change the story line. Let us show the world that a daycare teacher is living her American dream or a cop that lives to serve and protect America’s citizens. From here on out we should try to kill off the misconceptions of this dream and let the real America shine through film and media.

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