The Agricultural Revolution

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Throughout history, there has been changes and evolutions that brought us to where we are today. One vast dramatic change, maybe even the biggest, was the transition from a hunting and gathering society to the development of agriculture an agricultural society. From hunting animals and gathering plants (roots and berries) to the growing of crops and domesticating of animals. Many people agree agriculture was one of the best developments that happened in history for many reasons, however, there has been strong evidence that shows that may not be the truth. Although agriculture brought some positive advancements, it also brought social and gender inequality, spread of diseases, and malnutrition that led agriculture to become the worst mistake …show more content…

Agriculture brought a way to keep increasing the population because of the stable supply of food. We could grow more food and yet without much work. Opposed to hunter and gathers that spent most time hunting and gathering without gaining much food. In addition to more food, there was more variety and people were able to focus on improving and mastering specialized skills instead of just focusing on food. Most people nowadays have tools that were not thought possible and have so many uses. At the same time, it's hard to forget the fact that social and gender inequality, spread of diseases, and malnutrition all came from the start of …show more content…

Despite some people's views that argue that our lives and the way we live now is much more improved than those lives of hunters and gatherers because of the many advancements, agriculture created much inequality among people. Before agriculture, during the Paleolithic times, men and women were equal in the sense that women provided most of the food from gathering and men hunted wild animals. That all changed when the growing of crops and domesticating of animals happened. Agriculture created this wedge between men and women since men were normally stronger than women and were able to plow and tend to the crops, while the woman's started only preparing the food. This lead to even more gender inequality because men, in much of our history, had more authority than women. Similar to gender inequality, class divisions also came into play. When people only hunted and gathered, they did not collect more than was needed, only enough to survive. When crops were grown and there was a stable supply of food and this gave the change for people to have extra food. With this surplus of food they could trade for things of value and even more land. The more surpluses of food, someone had, the more valuable items they could gain, and the more wealthier they were. People have been able to uncover houses located in one of the first cities, Catal Huyuk

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