The Affects Of Peer Pressure On Adolescents

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In 2015 Marquis Wortham wrote an article entitled, “The Affects of Peer Pressure on Adolescents”. According to Wortham, “Peer pressure means, being influence or pushed over by friends\age fellows to do something you do or do not want to do” (p.1). He states that Peer pressure influences teenagers to do things they would not normally do, most of which are negative. High school students are often pressured to have sex before they are ready or else they are “not cool” and at risk of being made fun of by other students. It is recurrent for some teens to engage in deviant behaviour with his or her peers with the purpose of acquiring the recognition of their peers. Youth can be persuaded to vandalize property to get the praise of others. It is all too common for youth to join a gang to feel a sense of unity and belonging from their friends. Physical altercations can be encouraged to prove how tough one is to their peers. If a teen wins a fight, with their friends as witnesses, it is common for him or her to gain respect from their friends. …show more content…

Joining a gang has lasting negative effects in an adolescent’s life, even long after he or she leaves the gang. one in three boys between the ages of 15 and 17 years old feel that they are pressured by their male friends to have sex. About 23 percent of 1,854 girls between the ages of 13 and 24 felt pressured to have sex. With this added pressure teens feel compelled to have sex before they are ready. Being sexually active before having knowledge about on how to stay protected can result in early pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Both of which can affect a youth for the rest of his or her

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