The Affect of Food Allergies on the Restaurant industry

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Has the rise in customer food allergies had any impact on the restaurant industry? Food allergies and food intolerance are a scientific phenomenon that has been affecting people basically since the beginning of time, though they were previously rarely heard of. Today, however, 20the number of people with food allergies is much higher and it is still on the rise. The book 8Peanut Butter, Milk, and other Deadly Threats: What You Should Know About Food Allergies, written by Sherri Mabry Gordon, reports, "According to a 2004 study released by the 21American Academy of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology, food allergies are a much bigger health challenge than once thought. Roughly one in twenty-five Americans are now believed to be affected by one or more food allergies." (Gordon 11) Further statistics online reveal 22that more than twelve million Americans suffer from food allergies and food intolerances. (Network) Now, because of the increase in the number of people afflicted with food allergies, more and more of these individuals who require special diets are dining out in restaurants which, inevitably, poses many challenges for the chef of the restaurant, the manager, and the service staff. Gordon informs us that, "Food allergies were first documented in the fourth century B.C. by Hippocrates. He noted that milk could cause hives and stomach upset." (Gordon 72) Although food allergies are not a new occurrence, throughout time there has been very little accurate information regarding food allergies and food intolerance. (Gordon 72) What is a known fact, however, is that 12there is no cure for food allergies, so strict avoidance of food allergens is the only way to manage allergic reactions and prevent serious healt... ... middle of paper ... ... just may be a day when food-allergic customers can dine out and eat in peace. Works Cited Book: Buist, Robert. Food Intolerance: what it is and how to cope with it. Great Britain: Prism Press, 1984. Online Publication: 15Dahl, Dick. Restaurant industry may face a spate of food allergy suits . 4 July 2006. 26 April 2011 . Book: 6Gordon, Sherri Mabry. Peanut Bitter, Milk, and Other Deadly Threats:What You Should Know About Food Allergies. New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2006. Gray, J. and W Chan. "Food Intolerance." Caballero, Benjamin, Luiz Trugo and Paul Finglas. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition Vol.4. Academic Press, 2003. 2621-2630. Websites: Network, 23The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis. Food Allergy Facts and Statistics. . Wikipedia. Food Allergies. 20 April 2011

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