The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Excerpt Essay by Mark Twain Themes, Change, and Symbolism

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Symbolism-Fence The fence represents discrimination in the The Adventures of Tom Sawyer excerpt by Mark Twain. When Jim is tried to be persuaded by Tom, he fails. Jim refuses to give in and paint the fence that was once black white. He knows that all colors have equal representation. He can only defend the outliers in his group, but their mentality disallows them to attack. Jim attacks Tom knowing that even his race can be smart. This is the attack that Mark Twain experienced, the Missouri Compromise. The way how a black defends to avoid humiliation is the way Jim stood up. Tom wanted to balance things out between the white and the black with Ben. He knows Ben and seeks him to paint the fence.. Tom is the one who realizes the miseries and reflects off of Mark Twain. Many other white boys start to paint the fence flawlessly severely overlapping. The people of the black can only try to defend and persist against discrimination. Even though, Jim made a breakthrough, the white still over populated the black. People have to do work fairly without slavery. Tom believed he did his fair...

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