The Adventures Of Hukle Berry Finn Analysis

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In the novel “the adventures of hukle berry finn” by mark twain offers readers a story of adventure, and many things to relate to, by tellthing the story of a boy whose unpreducktable life alouse him to have adventures even thought he has to keep a close eye out as to be good not to enabably be buniched by Douglas witch was never a plesant thing but never the less I fell as thought this mostly uneducated boy by the name of hukle berry finn makes for a book that some people would say is extravigently hard to put down, and say for exanble if the novel had been writed in a more formal way as most of the books of its time it would have been less reaitable to many of the younger readers, and the quotes such as “imma going to lick you” less enjoyable

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