The 1960s Art Movement

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The 1960s art movement was a disease, spreading fast and affecting many people. The art brought upon a new way for people to view life because the artists wanted to brighten this rough era. It helped people get out of the slumps from the post-war and started a trend with a new art form. The art movement of the 1960s played an important role to the decade, because it surfaced pop art, Andy Warhol, and how pop art is still affecting today’s culture. Pop art fully embodied the decade of the 60s because it lifted people’s spirit. The term “pop art” was first used in Great Britain after World War II (Virginia Spivey). America used this term for post-war society, taking the term from Great Britain. (Pop Art). Pop art helped many …show more content…

Andy performed in many different art skills, focusing on separating fine arts from mainstream aesthetics, before taking on pop art (Andy Warhol Biography). However, in 1961, Andy started the idea of “pop art,” designing for certain companies and items. In 1962, his release of his Campbell’s Soup Cans painting, rocketed his sales and the concept of “pop art” (Andy Warhol Biography). Warhol quickly got involved in pop art, and rapidly became a well-known artist that many companies used to get their products promoted. Andy’s thought, was that if he took an average, everyday product, he could turn it into an over-exaggerated, elegant piece of work (Andy Warhol). After he was satisfied with his impact in the art world, he retired in 1965 to focus on experimental films (Andy Warhol). Warhol took his creativity and artistic abilities, and carried them onto film making. Overall, Andy Warhol contributed a huge impact on the Pop Art Movement, and created a new way to promote items for companies through …show more content…

Pop art helped people get out of the post-war blues, and pushed Americans to express themselves through a new art form. Andy Warhol helped produce new, helpful ways for people to advertise, and really showed mainstream aesthetics. Pop art has continued to help advertise through different companies and lines, including Calvin Klein’s new release. In conclusion, the art movement and artists of the 1960s, have pushed Americans to express themselves in unprecedented ways. Works Cited
Adiannar. “The Influence of Art History on Modern Design – Pop Art.” pixel77.Com, June 2016, Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

“Andy Warhol Artist Overview and Analysis.”, The Art Story Contributors, Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

“Andy Warhol Biography.”, A&E Television Network, Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

CAMPAIGN." N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017. .

"Pop Art." MoMA, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

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