Texting While Driving: A Speech Analysis

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I gave my persuasive speech on the issue of texting while driving. I picked this topic because I believe it is a common problem in today’s society, but people do not understand the actual consequences of it. I believe people think it is not harmful and something bad will not happen to them because it is “easy” to do. I gave this speech to inform people how easy it is to become distracted and get in an accident. Overall, I believe my speech went pretty well. I believe I have improved on my eye contact and effective pauses, I still need to improve on my vocal variation, and I noticed I do not carry out the strength in my voice at the end of sentences.

Compared to the heritage speech, I believe I have improved on my eye contact. I think I looked up more at the crowd because I practiced my speech more. Because I repeated it more times, I was able to retain the information and just talk about it rather than looking down at my cards all the time. I also believe I had better eye contact because I moved around. By walking around, I was able to scan the entire audience. Also, I believe I improved on my effective pauses. I believe that this time around, I was less nervous. Because we have done a couple of speeches …show more content…

Throughout this last speech, I spoke in a monotone voice for some parts. There were some moments of vocal variation, but I believe I could expand on the variation even more. I believe this has partly to do with being nervous. I am so focused on not forgetting the information and getting enough time that I forget to put enthusiasm in my words. In order to help me improve on this, I believe I need to practice more. Whenever I practice my speech, I need to find times where a vocal variation is appropriate. If I am talking about an exciting event, I can work on raising my voice in that particular part. If I practice changing my voice in particular parts of my speech, I will remember to do it when I

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