Texting Is Bad Essay

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“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master” In our modern world today, technology has far superseded human capabilities. As a result of texting, many children and students are writing poorly. This has a negative impact, especially on students when writing simple essays, letters or compositions. Students often mix text language with Standard English and so it becomes the norm to not only speak it but write it. I strongly believe texting undermines vocabulary and the mental effort that intelligent writing necessitates because texting ruins a student’s spelling and grammar, does not stress the importance of punctuation and affects them emotionally. To begin with texting ruins a student’s spelling and grammar. When texting, the shortening of words are commonly practiced and as such words like “that” turns to “tht”, “you” to “u” and “why” for “y” and so on. It soon becomes a habit to text that way and as a result, it transitions into their writing. In doing so, student’s are completely oblivious to the fact that they are using …show more content…

As our generation evolves, people become more and more indolent and subsequently, this can be detected in their texting. In a recent study, teachers said that their students are forgetting punctuation marks such as commas, apostrophes and even capital letters to begin sentences and texting greatly contributes to these factors. Many students when texting occasionally begin sentences with common letters because it’s not a formal setting and it matters not that capital letters be used as it is not seen as an issue. Technology is now so advanced that smart phones are a necessity and students are well adapted. Be that as it may, student’s type relatively fast and so commas and apostrophes are omitted where required. So when given assignments such letters, compositions or even essays, these errors are

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