Text And Movie Analysis: The Life Of Pi

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Text to film analysis What would you do if your entire family was gone, you were surrounded by sharks, stranded in the middle of the ocean after a storm, with multiple animals including a tiger with you on a lifeboat? “The Life of Pi” begins when a boy named Pi is stranded on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific ocean. He is also accompanied by a bengal tiger. In the middle of the text, Pi finally finds biscuits and water in the lifeboat to sustain himself. By the end of the text, Pi has wisely rationed his food and water and decided that he needs to find a way to keep the tiger alive. Although the text and the movie both show the story of Pi in great detail, there are more differences than similarities. This means that the movie didn’t stay completely true to the text. To begin with, both the movie and the book have …show more content…

The similarities show that in both the movie and the text, Pi was able to survive by using a limited amount of resources, although he was stranded in the middle of the ocean. The differences show that Pi’s thoughts wouldn’t have been as interesting if the movie expressed them as thorough as they were expressed in the text. From contrasting both the movie and the text, it can be seen that the movie has some added details that make it more visually pleasing. In my opinion, the movie was more enjoyable than the text because although Pi’s thoughts weren’t exactly expressed, the movie showed more emotion and it was more visual than the text. The movie showed Pi’s feelings and thoughts by showing us his actions and speech. The movie also shows more background than the text by showing us how Pi ends up stranded in the middle of the Pacific. Overall, the movie is more visual and brings about more emotion in the viewer. One thing I would change about the text to improve it is to add more of the action that was shown in the movie to make the text more

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