Texas Constitution Essay

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The constitution establish major governing institutions, assign institution’s power, place explicit and implicit control on power granted. All this gives the political legitimacy. The U.S constitution gives the base model for state constitution for Texas. Strict constitution is a legal philosophy of judicial interpretation in which the original intent of the constitution holds that the Constitution means exactly what it says. Strict means limited government and mostly the governments are limited by the statues or formal written enactments. Statutes command or prohibit something, or declare policy that are laws made by legislative bodies and distinguished from case law which is decided by courts, and regulations issued by government agencies. …show more content…

Its breakdown in Mexican Statehood was caused by Gnereal Santa Anna’s centralized all power in Mexico City and limited U.S. trade, and the Battle of the Alamo was the final nail in the coffin. Then Texas was called the Republic of the Rio Grande, and the capital was Laredo. It was a small country that only existed in 1840, but it was never officially recognized. The second constitution was the Republic of Texas in 1836 to 1845. It was an independent nation that nearly copied the US Document. Texas mandated homestead protections, establish wife and community property rights, and legalized slavery. The Republic of Texas breakdown caused by the US Statehood in 1845. After, the Republic of Texas became the State of Texas in 1845. This breakdown when economic tyranny by the north and slavery. 1861 - 1865, the Confederate State of Texas replaced US with Confederacy in the documents of 1845 and banned the freeing of slaves. It breakdown caused by the lose of Confederacy in Civil War. The history of how Texas got to the current constitution can be compare to the Mexico history. As Texas gained their independence from Mexico, Mexico gained their independence from Spain. After looking over the articles in Texas Constitution, I found interest in the first the Article 1. Every citizen should know that the first Article is the Bill of Rights, which is also the first ten Amendments of the United States Constitution.

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