Texas Chainsaw Massacre Research Paper

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the first movie to use Ed Gein’s man-eating behavior. “The events of that day were to lead to the discovery of one of the most bizarre crimes in the annals of American history, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” (CITE). The movie is about five friends. The main characters, Sally and Franklin, want to visit their grandfather’s graveyard because there were reports about grave robbing on the news. After seeing the tombstone, the five friends decided to go visit grandpa’s house as well. On their way, they met a hitchhiker and they offer him a ride. They threw him out after he slashed the arm of Franklin in the car, which creep them all out. Afterwards, the group realizes that they need gas. So they stop to refuel, but the man at …show more content…

They went to go look, but they met face to face with a guy called Leatherface. Jerry, one of the main five, went looking for his friends questioning where they are. When he arrived at the house he found that Kirk was dead but Pam was alive. Jerry tried to save her before he was killed as well. When darkness fell, the last two remaining friends decided to go find their peers. They arrive at the same house as everyone before them. Leatherface came out from the blue killing Franklin. Sally, the last remaining one, then ran toward the house and finds the desiccated remains of an elderly couple in an upstairs room. She escapes from Leatherface by jumping through a second floor window. She then fled to the gas station. The man at the station calms her with offers of help, but then ties her up and forces her into his truck. He drives to the house, arriving at the same time as the hitchhiker. When the pair brought Sally inside, the hitchhiker recognizes her and taunts her. During dinner, Leatherface was dressed as a girl cooking the food and grandpa arrive to kill Sally. After he tried to, the last remaining character broke free and ran to

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