Terrorism vs. Human Rights

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Terrorism vs. Human Rights

Ken Livingston said of the London bombings “The people of London will

get through this”. This statement, as defiant as it is, isn’t strictly

true. Even if the people of London did not bow down to the terrorists,

surely the government now is. The Prevention of Terrorism bill shows

that the government is clearly willing to give up our freedom of

speech as a result of the 7/7 bombings. This more then anything is

handing victory to the terrorists. The fact that they are proposing to

lock up suspected terrorists without a trial for 3 months is

absolutely outrageous and one can only laugh when people refer to this

country as a “democracy”.

The proposed terrorism bill will undermine the democratic tradition

this country has had for centuries. Surely, in any democracy people

are allowed to express their views, no matter how extreme they may be.

Under the “Prevention of Terrorism Act” extremists will not be the

only ones who will be arrested. You only have to look at the recent

Labour Party conference for an example of how the government is

eroding our rights. “Nonsense” is how Walter Wolfgang described Jack

Straw’s speech at the party conference. Is this really the behaviour

of a potential terrorist? If the new act is introduced this sort of

situation will occur a lot more frequently. People have been wrongly

accused in the past and will continue to do so under this act. There

is a fundamental difference between extremism and terrorism. It is

obvious to any rational person that terrorism is far more dangerous

than extremism. Preventing terrorism is what is needed, but preventing

extremism is merely getting rid of freedom of speech.

I am one of many people who believe that the threat of terrorism has

been blown out of proportion by the government. Yes, I do accept that

we face a threat, but is the threat really that great? The government

does need to take steps to ensure that the British people are safe but

does it really need to go to this extreme?

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