Terrorism In Turkey

1026 Words3 Pages

Tanner Kozlowski
Ms. Williams
English CP9
May 25 2014
Terrorism Threats in Turkey
In the early 2000’s in Turkey alot of terrorism threats were put there way from many different countries around them. There were many countries affected by terrorism around that time and Turkey was one of them. Alot of countires have helped to stop this problem like America and many more to stop from countries like Turkey getting affected. Also there are many councils, agencies, and other groups have joined in to stop terrorism in these countries.(Frank Web) (“Ethnic and Religious Groups” 1). The Muslims of Turkey are a religious group in Turkey; there rebellions against Turkey has impacted government in a negative way.
Turkey’s government has teamed up with alot of other countries and has been around for a long time. Turkey has alot of religious groups like Muslims and other small groups that work with government at times. Turkey has also kept nuetral in most wars like world war two and many others which shows that they have been a overall peaceful country for years.(Henri J. Barki) (“Patterns of Global Terrorism” 1). Turkey’s neighbor states are Bulgaria, Greece, and Iran which shows that they don’t have that many helping countries near them.(Henri J. Barki) (“Patterns of Global Terrorism” 1). Turkey’s government has also partnered with groups like UN Specialized Agency, Security Council, and Sanctions Comitee to have extra protection.from other countries.(Henri J. Barki) (“Patterns of Global Terrorism” 2). There are many reasons why this is important to the rest of the topics and the whole subject. This topic has helped to get to know about Turkey’s government and how it operates and works. Also it is important to know the circumstances that Tur...

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... Party has gained strength since the 1990’s which led to Turkey deporting from Islam.(Richard Nyrop) (“A Country Study: Turkey” 42). Finally the constitutional schemes Turkey has solved the questions of minorities with no problems.(Richard Nyrop) (“A Country Study: Turkey” 45). These are all sucesses to date that Turkey has had. This information relates to the thesis becuase it talks about the sucess that has happened with stopping terrorism. These are all the reasons why Turkey has made alot of effort to stop terrorism.
Turkey’s government and geography is very unique compared to other countries. The terrorist threats toward Turkey has led to alot of conflict in the past years. There has been alot of actions done to stop the global terrorism in Turkey and other countries. This is all the evidence behind the terrorist threats towards Turkey and there government.

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