Terrorism In Nigeria Essay

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My essay is about the effect of terrorism or acts of terror on children in a society. I picked this topic because it is not just significant to me but if bought to the notice of the Government and general public it will help the future of a nation. The current acts of terrorism in Nigeria and the kidnapping of over 200 girls (children) in the country which has now become an international issue shall be the focus of my discuss.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a Country in the continent of Africa, comprising of 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Nigeria is often referred to as “the Giant of Africa” due to its large population and economy, an oil rich nation with an estimated population of 174,507,539 million people, 10.61% of that population is said to be children due to the high fertility rate in the Country. The country is inhabited by over 500 ethnic groups and is roughly divided in half between Christians who mostly live in the southern and central parts and the Muslims who are concentrated in the north.
The country had in time past experienced a civil war (1967-1970), which led to the loss of lives both the old and young and scars of terror/ fear in the hearts of the people and society. However, the recent insurgence in the country has left it in high state of insecurity and has called for the attention of the international community. Terrorism refer only to those violent acts that are intended to create fear (terror) are perpetrated for religious, political or ideological goal and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. The war against terrorism in Nigeria has been on since 2002 when the Islamic Jihadist and Takfiri terrorist group based in the northeast called ‘Boko Haram’ launched...

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...d of a female pastor (my mother) in Nigeria. The attacks are mainly on women and Christians, the kidnapped girls are mostly Christians. I worry that if not contained the live of Christian women in Nigeria including my mother’s is in danger. While in Nigeria I noticed that the security consciousness compared to here in the States is relatively low. My dad been a solider and have worked in the US will been a part of my resource for helping/contributing my part in making live and the future possible for Nigerian children.
I am now motivated to start up a charity for children in the nations affect by terrorism. I will pull in my mother for the religious point to help guide this children back to God and I will employ my dad’s security knowledge to understand the situation better. Children should not be left to face and live with the scars of terrorist acts without help.

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