Teotihuacan Pyramids

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Historically investigation Construction in the ancient times. What are the different types of techniques / similar techniques used to build these monuments still standing today? In ancient there was many temples and pyramids that were never found or had been destroyed by natural causes or by humans destroying it. But there are some of the sacred temples and pyramids still standing today, there is the ‘Pyramids Of Giza’ is still standing and there is the ‘Great Wall Of China’ and also the pyramids of the sun and the moon in Teotihuacan .Back in ancient times there would have been all different types of building methods, some methods could be different because of what area of the world …show more content…

The pyramid was erected nearly around 2000 years ago as a memorial to this long event , as a place of worship the great gods, and maybe is used as a tomb of the ruler who had it built. Rising at 60m (c. 200 feet) . Two pyramids were their main works , the pyramid of the moon and of the sun, (The Avenue Of The Dead) , a set of huge compounds ( the ' Ciudadela' or Citadel and the 'Great Compound'), and finally their own homes. Then the Teotihuacan's grew to surround the Pyramid of the sun with a densely settled urban grid covering 20 sq. km ( 8 sq. miles ) and housing over 100,000 people.The Teotihuacan's Avenue Of The Dead at the southern end of the city is the pyramid of the moon, the city's first great monument. toward the end of the century, work was focused on expanding the cave shrine into the pyramid of the sun. The pyramid of the sun had been rebuilt multiple times, however the platform was a huge square, 349 m (1138 feet) on a side. The pyramid arose form the base c.184 m (600 feet) on a side, to a height of about 46 m (150 feet). A core of chunks of compacted volcanic ash , sun-baked mud-bricks and volcanic gravel, and finished with lime stucco and paint. The pyramid was topped by a temple , or possible twin temples , to the city's principal deities , the storm God and the Great Goddess.The pyramid was completed sometime before AD 225 and measured at about 226 m (739 feet) across the base and the height was about 75 m (245 feet).There has been recent studies that the sacred cave underneath the pyramid of the sun could have been where they would get their materials to build the pyramids,

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