Teotihuacan Civilization Research Paper

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Information is crucial for groups and societies. Knowledge is what enables them to go from hunter-gatherers to what we call civilized societies. Knowledge is very important in early state formation. It is according to some archaeologists the source of power and might explain the difference between early states formation. From one civilization to another information was gathered, controlled and recorded in different ways. Either communities came up with innovations of their own or through trade and warfare with other groups.
First, the Teotihuacan civilization most likely formed its state by getting in contact with other civilizations. The Teotihuacan inhabitants were powerful and had an advance technology. They seem to have moved from a centralized power to a political structure. They created enormous temple pyramids, such as the pyramid of the sun, which suggest a considerable state machine with the power to mobilize and control large numbers of workers. The growth of Teotihuacan was accompanied by the depopulation of surrounding communities. Either neighbors chose to move to a more …show more content…

Maya state society had a complex writing system. They used hieroglyphs and left books that reconstitute their story. They had advanced technology and used for example the slash and burn method in agriculture. They found ways to grow crops on raised field. The Maya civilization was based on kingship. There were constant warfare and each new ruler would try to extend the Maya territory. The rulers exercised considerable civil and probably religious power, and an elite that exercised administrative functions aided their rule. A class of scribes or perhaps priests tended to the cult of the state and specialized in calendric observations and calculations The Maya got in touch with other groups through trade and

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