Television In the Lives of Children

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Television In The Lives Of Children

Consistently, everywhere, in this century there seems to be some form of a TV screen. These screens appear in restaurants, schools, at work, at home, and quite possibly more. What is forgotten in society is how that screen may affect the lives of the children in this modern world. When children are constantly watching a television screen there may be consequences to their health and education. Most parents do not have the ability to control what is shown on TV. Many programs disagreeably display marathons after school and during holidays. Supposedly, adult shows are only showed late at night, but with movies becoming more and more explicit, even bed time can’t stop the most determined child. Children’s problems in education and health are a direct result of the amount of TV watched.

Violence and explicit themes on television have been a main benefactor in behavioral problems in children, causing educational issues as well. Studies have shown that “excessive TV viewing can lead to poor grades in school” (Boyse Online). TV has even been shown to affect the mood of the child, usually “TV doesn’t improve their disposition. They’re grouchy and irritable right after they watch” (Winn 19). When violence is included in speech or an action a child’s favorite show or movie it wouldn’t be uncommon if that youth would try to imitate it. “Many shows glamorize violence. TV often promotes violent acts as a fun and effective way to get what you want, without consequences, Even in G rated movies violence is common” (Boyse Online). As children are growing it’s important what parents put in the stomach’s of their child so it’s also important what being fed to their brain. This makes them vulnerable and susce...

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...08. Web. 04 Feb. 2010. .

Graham, Judith. "Facts about How Television Viewing Affects Children, Family Issues Facts,#4100." Family Issues Facts. University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 12 Aug. 2008. Web. 03 Feb. 2010.

Kaufman, Ron. "Kill Your Television - Children And TV." Kill Your Television 1996. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. .

"Television and Children (Child Development Institute)." Child Development Institute - Keeping Parents Informed on child development, psychology, parenting. Child Development Institute, 2000-2010. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. .

Winn, Marie. Plug-in drug. New York, N.Y: Penguin, 1985. Print.

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