Teleological Argument Vs Pascal's Wager Essay

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Teleological Argument vs. Pascal’s Wager Our purpose in this life is a question that has been asked countless times and answered in various ways. One of the central rational arguments for the existence of God is the teleological argument. This argument focuses in on how intricately designed aspects of life that could not have just fallen into place on their own, they must have had a creator. One of the central practical arguments for the possible existence of God is Pascal’s Wager. This argument is based on weighing the consequences that result from the gamble of believing in God or not believing in God. These arguments can be viewed as comparable and also as diverse. In scenario one of Pascal’s wager, the individual believes in God and they …show more content…

The teleological argument says a complex world such as ours could not exist without having an original designer such as God. Since this world is in existence, there must be a God. Pascal’s wager suggests that as humans we do not have the mental capacity to understand the existence of God and so believing in God is our safest bet. These arguments are also both referencing a specific God. One of the main differences of these two arguments is that the teleological argument has examples to back up its claims and Pascal’s wager does not. Another contrasting aspect is that according to Pascal’s wager, there is a possibility that God does not exist. In the teleological argument, there is no scenario where God does not exist. The teleological argument explains this world was deliberately created and offers only one scenario, that God does exist. Pascal’s wager does not explain a purpose and offers two different scenarios. After reviewing these two different theories, intelligent design seems to be the more logical of the two. In nature there are endless examples of the complexities that would have required an advanced

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