Teenage Responsibility Essay

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Who's Responsible? Every Teen is entitled to making their own decisions whether its good or bad. They all have their own minds, so ultimately no matter how much someone tries to influence a decision on them, it's still their choice. By the time they are teenagers, they should have a pretty good sense of what's right and wrong. They are almost adults anyways so they should be taking responsibility. Goals as parents are to raise their children ti be successful happy adults. All parents want to do is to see their child succeed, well this goes for good parents. Bad parenting skills would be to take blame for their child's mistakes. Parents are expected to raise their children properly. Their child are a reflection on how the parents raised them and how much they care about them. If the parent raises them right and spends time with them, the child should have good common sense and know right from wrong. If they don't then most likely the child will turn out bad. Teen page years is when most kids find themselves getting in trouble because they are exposed to so many new things, they're g...

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