Teen Adrenting: My Journey With Being A Teen Parent

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This is where my journey with being a teen parent began. I’ll start from the beginning of it all, discovering the life changing news, details about my pregnancy, experience with labor and delivery, the life of caring for an infant—to now raising a small child of my own. The events that have taken place in my life are not your average teenage girl’s life but despite the good and bad memories, I wouldn’t trade being a teen mother to my little girl for anything in the world. In the summer of 2014, I fifteen years old and all I had on my mind was beach hair and sandy toes. The love of my life, Jaicub was all I cared about, I hadn’t left his side in six months. One day I realized my period was days late. Being fifteen, I didn’t think much of …show more content…

She was at the age now where she needed to have some boundaries and punishments for her actions. It’s not okay to hit, you have to share, and you can’t throw tantrums in the middle of the grocery store and so on. I read all the books, I took a parenting class, learn about discipline. Here was the hard part of parenting. Terrible Two’s was most definitely a real thing. Addison attended daycare and she was one of the most well behaved kids in the classroom, so her teacher said. I must have been doing something right. I broke down crying after a shopping trip before because my kid just didn’t know how to act, didn’t understand she couldn’t have every toy on the isle, So to know that she at least behaves well when I’m not in the room is good enough to not feel like a complete failure. Now we are going on three years old next month and being her mom is my only goal in life.
My experience with motherhood has been a roller-coaster, full of good and bad memories, but when I look into those big brown eyes the rest of the world doesn’t matter. From finding out to raising a toddler, I have never been so sure of anything my entire life, I wouldn’t want to be anything other than her mother. Becoming a parent is one of the best things that ever happened to my life. An experience I’ll never

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