Teddy Roosevelt: Vice-President

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After this was suggested there was not much Theodore could do. There was now nobody that could stop the flow of people wanting him for vice-president. Platt said, “Roosevelt might as well stand under Niagara Falls and try to spit the water back.” Yet although the New York committee were thinking they were getting rid of Roosevelt, the thing they didn't think about is what senator Mark Hanna did when he said, “Don't any of you realize that there is only one life between this madman and the White House?” But no one would listen to him and Teddy was nominated for vice-president. Although it was presented as a favor and a step up, Teddy easily saw through the lies and guessed the reasons. He didn't like the position of vice-president very much. He thought that he wouldn't get enough work done, and it was mostly just a title. He thought of it as a useless job. But despite his dislike for the position, Teddy plunged whole heartedly into campaigning. While McKinly sat on his porch Ohio, Roosevelt was the engine for the a tremendous locomotive. He visited twenty-four states and giving nearly seven hundred speeches. He attacked the other runners with bulldog ferocity. He built up his arguments and tore gaping holes in theirs. He was unrelenting and never stopped his …show more content…

There was little to nothing for him to do. He would have no work, could get no reforms done, or could. So instead Theodore did the next best thing. He went back to the mountain ranges and roaming parries that he had once loved. It was here while he was climbing a mountain that Teddy heard that president McKinley had been shot and that he was requested in Buffalo. Theodore rushed to the side of the president and it looked like he would survive. Teddy returned to his old pastime until he was told the president had taking a turn for the worst and had died. So he returned for the second time and was sworn into office as the youngest president of the United

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