Chimamanda Adichie: The Danger of a Single Story

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian novelist, nonfiction writer and short story writer who explained the danger of a single story. She expresses her concern for underrepresentation of various cultures and explains as a young child how she was influenced by all these single stories. The purpose of this TED talk is to encourage us to broaden the scope of stories we consume about other people and cultures. But most people don't know what is a single story? The single story is where the same story gets told over and over again about a people or a place and they are not viewed in any other way. Like stereotypes, not all single stories are true because they only view one perspective which shows only half of the truth. I agree with Adichie’s words …show more content…

Being a Southern Black girl, Maya’s life was already hard especially after her parent’s divorce which caused her to move to her grandmother in stamps. Maya’s life was unstable and being away of her “displacement” made it even harder for her to be happy. One way single stories have affected her life was when she develops an excruciating toothache. The nearest black dentist practices twenty-five miles away, so Momma takes Maya to see Dr. Lincoln, a white dentist in town. When they arrive, Dr. Lincoln states that he does not treat black patients. He says “My policy is I’d rather stick my hand in a dog’s mouth than in a nigger’s.” (Angelou 189). The rudeness towards the black community is just shocking. some white people still have the same image of black people as in the past because of the single stories they have heard. They demean the black community because of the past stories told about slavery and power. Another event that degraded African Americans was during the eighth-grade graduation, which was a great event. The white speaker, Mr. Edward Donleavy, gives a speech about the improvements in the local schools. The white school has received new lab equipment for science

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