Ted Bundy And Antisocial Personality Disorder By Ted Bundy

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Antisocial Personality Disorder is primarily characterized a lack of remorse or guilt while disregarding the rights of others. People diagnosed with this disorder are impulsive, callous and malicious. They notoriously blame others for their problems, and typically find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships. It is one of the more common personality disorders. Men are 5 times more likely than women to be diagnosed with this disorder (Cloninger, Bayon & Przybeck, 1997; B.F. Grant et al., 2004). Mental health professionals can diagnose up to 30% of the population in clinical settings with this disorder. The percentages may be even higher among prison inmates or persons in treatment for substance abuse.
People with this disorder are commonly referred to as a“psychopath”. They have been known to be superficially charming and sociable. However, this is usually just to manipulate others into doing what they want. This was the case with Ted Bundy, one of the most well-known American serial killers who fouled those around him into thinking that he was a charming man rather than the violent killer he really was. However, people with this disorder aren 't always violent. They can be found excelling in business, politics, and entertainment (Stout, 2005).
The causes of this disorder and those similar to it …show more content…

While there is no proven treatment for antisocial personality disorder psychotherapy is sometimes used to treat it if the symptoms are mild. This type of therapy is also known as talk therapy. Sessions may be one on one or in the group therapy with family and friends. Due to the fact that a major characteristic of people suffering from antisocial personality disorder is that they often blame others, psychotherapy isn 't always the best option if the symptoms are severe since it requires that the person admit that they are at least partially at

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