Tecumseh Research Paper

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In March of 1768, in present-day Ohio, Tecumseh was born. Tecumseh's name means "Panther in the sky." Tecumseh was the fifth born in his family. His mom, Methotaske, was a Creek, and his dad, Puckeshinewa, was a Shawnee. He excelled at the game's Indian boys played. He also organized other boys to go on hunts. When Tecumseh was younger he admired and looked up to the warriors, like his older brother. He also tried to be like the warriors. Later in his life, Tecumseh became a powerful chief to the Native American Tribe, the Shawnee's. He did not want the Americans to take the Native American's land. He accomplished many things in his life. As Tecumseh got older, he started to provide for those who could not get food on the table for their families, and he was also very helpful. He was know for the kindness and concern he showed for his tribe members. When he became a warrior, he refused to take part in the Treaty of Negotiations, and this made a good impression on the people of his tribe, so this increased his standing among his followers. Tecumseh built a confederacy among N...

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